We Bullky SMS regard your security and need you to see how we gather, use, and reveal data about you. This Privacy Policy covers our information assortment rehearses and depicts your privileges to get to, right, or confine our utilization of your data.

Except if we connect to an alternate strategy or state, in any case, this Privacy Policy applies when you visit or utilize the Bullky SMS Site, Mobile App, portable or work area applications, program expansions, or related administrations (the "Administrations").

By utilizing the Services and connecting with us, you consent to the conditions of this Privacy Policy. You shouldn't utilize the Services if you disagree with this Privacy Policy.

1. Data We Gather

  • We gather certain data from and about you forthrightly, similar to the data you enter yourself, information about your inclinations (settings). We likewise gather some data naturally, similar to data about your gadget, your cell phone number, and which parts of our Administrations you cooperate with or invest energy utilizing.

    1.1 Data You Give to Us
    • We may gather diverse data from or about you relying upon how you use the services. The following aspects are few guides to help you better understand the data we gather.

      Particulars of your Account/ Recorded Data

      To utilize certain attributes (such as SMS sending from our application or portal), you need to sign in by providing the portal with your Account credentials. We have no access to your Account Password. Right after entering your information, your account on Bullky SMS has been created then we gather and store the data you give, similar to your checked email address, telephone number, and relegate you a special recognizing number from which you can be acknowledged by the Bullky SMS site, application or portal.

      Purchase/Payment Information

      When you make purchases via our website or application (like package upgradation on our website), we do collect certain information about your purchases as gathering such information is mandatory for us to meet your needs and requests you made on our application. Our payment handling process needs your certain payments and a list of charges you have invested in our websites such as your name, your credit or debit card number, and your postal code to make payment procedures easier for you people for your later purchases. We Bullky SMS collect none of your secret data such as your credit card numbers. Your security is important to us. We do not store your credit card information. Online payments are passed via a secure socket layer to Bank eGate payment processor where your information is tokenized (whereby a random number is generated to represent your payment). The payment processor is PCI compliant which ensures that your information is being handled per industry security standards.

      Synchronization of Content

      To make it further understandable for you we clarify the procedure of content that we store on your sending or receiving SMS or MMS via our application, we first sync your data and then store it for making the amenities of the application efficient to work better and for making it beneficial for you. Synchronization of other contents also occurs but this is optional for the users to allow this option or not these include syncing of contacts, mobile's battery level, and other notifications.


      On clicking the option "settings" on the portal of Bullky SMS you can set and change your account's settings available on the application according to your preferences; such as how you agree with the privacy policy of the application BullkySMS and how will you allow the application to let your privacy handle and which content you want to share and which not. Enabling and Disabling the notifications wholly need your consent.

      Customer Care service

      On the off chance that you get in touch with us for help or to report an issue or concern (whether or not you are registered to our application), or in other condition your answer to a message we send, we gather and store your contact data, uphold demand, and other information about you like your name, email address, area, working framework, IP address, and some other information you give or that we gather through computerized implies (which we cover underneath). We utilize this information to meet your problems and examination of your inquiry or worry, and then for solving it as per this Privacy Policy.


      We may welcome you to finish a review or take an interest in an advancement (like a challenge, sweepstakes, or challenge), either through the Services or an outsider stage. On the off chance that you take part, we will gather and store the information you give as a component of taking part, like your name, email address. That information is dependent upon this Privacy Policy except if in any case expressed in the authority rules of the advancement or another security strategy on the outside stage. The information gathered will be utilized to control the advancement or review, including for telling victors and circulating prizes. To get a prize, you might be needed to permit us to post a portion of your data openly (like on a victor's page). Where we utilize an outsider stage to direct a review or advancement, the outsider's security strategy will apply. The above section in the Privacy Policy is all about the information you provide to us and how we use and make it secure for you and the application. Further, we are going to explain about the information we collect automatically using our services.

  • 1.2 How we accumulate the information by mechanized means?
    • By mechanized means, we gather certain information to make our application and services work efficiently and properly. These includes:

      Data of Device

      Here comes about the data of the system (Device) we mechanically collect which is being utilized by the users for the Bullky SMS application. The data which we store includes IP address, type of device, type of operating system which is being utilized and its version, device identifiers, browser, browser language, battery status, and other device data.

      Data of usage

      This data we collect by your usage of the application or website and your interaction with us and this includes that how many times you have visited your website, how much time you have spent on our pages of website, application or on the services, the date and time of your visits, how you use our services and features, how you ask for help and the other data that you use on the services.

2. How we get access to your data?

  • We get access to your data by using different machines and tools such as cookies, analytical services, and advertising providers.

    2.1 Data Gathering Tools
    • Bullky SMS and service suppliers (like Google Analytics and third-party advertisers); for our benefit use different server log files and mechanized data storing and collecting tools like cookies, tags, scripts, customized links, device or browser fingerprints, etc. On using our application, website, or services, your "data of device" and "data of usage" spontaneously, first tracked and later collected and stored by these data collecting tools and machines which then brought that information to us and our application.

  • 2.2 Third Parties
    • Third-Parties with them; we are interlinked like advertisement companies, some ad networks, our service providers, etc. also somehow have access to the certain data of users like the data we gather by collecting tools to improve our services.

    • We do not compromise on the privacy of our users in any way, so the data our third parties collect through automated means are only for the purpose to enhance their services like where there is a need for the right advertisement or where should be the advertisement must be. We never share personal and critical data with anyone and as we have clarified earlier, we also don't have proper access to your data except the one you share with us.

  • 2.3 Google Analytics
    • For collecting data of the users that we collect through automated means from the different data collecting tools such as cookies; we use services like Google analytics etc.

    • By gaining data from these tools and services, we come to analyze the certain activity of our users like which site or page user has visited to improve our service, to better see how the Services perform on various devices or systems, and to distinguish where the scam or extortion occurs.

3. Purpose of Collecting your Information

  • The question raises that what we do with the user's data that they provide us itself and that we collect through tools or services. The answer is to make the services of the application satisfactory and to make them efficient. Some of the major purposes of our collecting user's data are given below,

    We collect and process your information

    To resolve the issue if users are facing any

    To keep in touch with you

    To notify you about the services

    To improve the services of our application

    To secure your account

    To keep your privacy

    To protect you, your account, and your data from different scams.

    To manage the preferences of your account

    To provide customer care

    To give support to the users

    To enforce the terms and conditions

    For the advertisement of the services that the application is providing

    For taking back feedback from users

4. Whom with we share your collected data

  • As explained, we collect, process, and share your data with the agencies that work for us such as our service providers, our co-partners, different companies who run surveys and promotions, and security providers. The certain data we share includes no personal information of the users of our application. Further, we have explained the procedure of the data that why we share your information with Third-Parties, and how we get work from them.

    Service Providers

    Bullky SMS shares certain information but not your personal information like SMS or MMS and such information is used as per our permission and direction. This is because they manage user's payment processing, data analysis, advertisement services, customer service, and support, marketing services, e-mail, and hosting services for our application or company.

    To Managers of Promotions and Surveys

    We share your information with the managers who run different kinds of promotions and surveys on the public level as it is necessary for the advancements of one's services to direct, market, and surveys you decide to take part in, as per the standards of the advancement or review.

    To Security Providers

    We reveal your information to the third parties only in the case if we are sure that it is needed and used by the law.

5. Security

  • Bullky SMS assures you that we will never compromise on your information and take enough preventive measures to protect you from scams, unapproved access, change, revelation, or obliteration of your data that we gather and store. These actions shift dependent on the kind and affectability of the information.

    E-mail Information

    Like other websites, our website needs user's e-mail for getting access to our website or application to work properly. The users have to insert the right email and its password to use the application. The main purpose of getting email information is to prevent spamming of account creation and rematching of passwords with the email that is interlinked with the application or website for later login or sign in that is a security purpose. The other purpose is communication when the company needs to talk to you about the upcoming things or some of your information. The user's emails will remain secured with us.

    Password Protection

    Passwords are required to use the application or website. So, the users must have to select a strong password for the application and wisely keep themselves safe from spamming and frauds. Users can change their passwords any time if they feel any kind of insecurity. We Bullky SMS assure our users that we care the most about user's passwords and login information and make no compromise on it. One piece of advice we want to give to our users to not use the same password on different applications or platforms because in one way or the other way it causes security risks.

6. Cookie Policy

  • What is meant by cookies?

    Cookies are the tiny information present in the form of text files and they can remain in the user's computer/ laptop/ tablet/ mobile temporarily or permanently and these made by the website.

    What is the purpose of using cookies?

    Cookies help a website to remember its users and their utmost preferences whenever they visit the website, so the website will show the products according to the user's preferences. Its purpose is to recall the data about you based on your recent activities. Cookies store information in the browser of a user. These cookies monitor your time, redo your perusing experience, and show focused on advertisements. These provide no harm to the users and websites; these stick around in your program for longer spans and track your perusing exercises.

    How do cookies help us in gathering information?

    Cookies mainly help us to gather your minimal information for inspecting or examining your usage on our services and application for, customizing your experience with us, making it uncomplicated and effortless for getting into the services and applications and on your return to the application or services; acknowledging you.

    We use web signals (little items that permit us to gauge the activities of guests and clients utilizing the Services) for things like distinguishing whether a page was visited, recognizing whether an email was opened, and publicizing all the more productively by barring current clients from certain limited time messages or distinguishing the wellspring of another portable application download.

    Bullky SMS use certain types of cookies to gather information and these includes:

    Functional Cookies : These are the cookies that make sure everything for the proper functioning of the websites and we use it to store the functional settings of the users.

    Security cookies : These are used to authorize you to log in to your account and use the services. These help us to make it sure against the fake logins and to distinguish between the authorized and unauthorized accounts and for the protection of your account.

    Preference cookies : These cookies remember data about your browsers and the settings in an application preferred by you which then helps us to improve and maintain the services of the application or website per your preferences such as your preferred language or the region of your living.

7. If facing any issue, contact us.

  • We allow our users to contact us whenever they want to. If users are facing any issue, problem, or even if they have any kind of questions, they can contact us and ask about the uncleared things. The issues or questions can be related to the privacy or security of the user's account and we try our best to meet your needs in the best possible way.

  • 8. Alteration in policy
  • If any kind of alteration in the privacy policy of our application occurs with time, we won't notify our users about it. As users have already been agreed to the privacy policy so the alteration will be in effect and need no acceptance of users.