Terms & Conditions


  • The terms and conditions of any application or website are an essential legal document for app developers and owners, as they establish the rules and restrictions for app users. These terms and conditions administer the lawful connection among the Bullky SMS owners and its users. These also consolidate the arrangements of the Bullky SMS. Acceptance of terms and conditions and privacy policy by the users is mandatory, to get access to and use of the services, application, or website of Bullky SMS.

  • Fundamental terms

    • Users are liable for their utilization of the Services, for any data or content they post to or synchronize through the Services, and for any outcomes of it.

    • Content posted or submitted by the users in the application of Bullky SMS might be communicated via many technology providers.

    • For enhancing the services and making the transmission of SMS or MMS easy on the devices of users, Bullky SMS needs to store certain data. But this data is only used by Bullky SMS, to improve the amenities of messages.

    • The certain data that we collect is bound to use only by us as we do not share it with any third party in any situation until or unless permitted by you.

    • SMS and MMS as directed by your device also induce some messaging charges from you or the other party.

    • The company Bullky SMS has the right to enhance their services that they are providing or to change the form and nature or structure of the services and can also restrict some features or the services of the application temporarily or permanently without notifying the users.

    • To get access or use the services users must be of an age at least 13 or above. Only users of this age are eligible for using the services of Bullky SMS according to legislation. We have the authority to restrict you from using the application if you are under the specific age criteria at any time.

    • Your use of amenities does matter a lot and must be lawful and are under consideration. According to the rules and regulations of your country and law, your usage of application must be appropriate and not unlawful, in the case of using the application unlawfully, we will not permit you to use the services anymore following the national law.

  • Users and their Created Contents

    • The contents created or posted by the users are their responsibility. You are liable for whatever is posted by you on the platform through using our amenities. We may not supervise any of the content you post, and also not liable for it. You post things at your own risk.

    • We don't embrace, support, address or assure the fulfillment with, honesty, exactness, or unwavering quality of any Content posted through the amenities.

    • You must be responsible for the content you are posting and by utilizing the amenities, the Content may be hostile, hurtful, erroneous, or in any case unseemly.

  • Restrictions on the Content

    • We Bullky SMS offer restrictions on some of the inappropriate content. If the unworthy use of any of our features or amenities is noticed, the company will restrict you from posting.

    • We save the privilege consistently (however won't commit) to eliminate or decline any content that is being circulated on the Services posted by the users and is inappropriate. In this case, we bring the user's accounts to an end and remove their access to use the services or features of the application.

    • Other than that, we also have an access to read, save or reveal the content of the user. But this process is maintained by some rules and regulations and, as promised providing protection to the data and information remains our utmost priority, these are the basic terms based on which we can read, save or reveal your data.

      • To meet the expectations of the rule of law or legislations

      • To detect any security issues or any fraud account

      • To fulfill the needs of the users of Bullky SMS

      • To resolve the technical problems

      • For the protection and security of Bullky SMS rights

      • For reviewing the data of the users keeping the information under consideration is mandatory

  • Privacy and Protection

    • As explained in our Privacy Policy, we collect the data you provide to us and certain data we collect from your usage to enhance the amenities of the application and do not sell it to any third party.

    • When agreeing with our Terms and Services you are also agreeing with our Privacy Policy and then you get the right to use the application and its services.

    • Safety of user's data and information are the prior things to us. We take care of our user's data and their privacy and will not compromise on it in any way.

  • Account Information

    • The account you have created by providing your information on our application, you are responsible for it. We are not liable for any of the harm either created by you on your account.

    • The damage or harm might be created by some other person by using your account without your consent and we are not responsible for it, try not to share your account.

  • Password and Security

    • Choose a strong password (by conglomerating letters, alphabets, numbers, or symbols) to protect your account from any harm or damage or from others that are using the services of the application without your permission or consent is not possible.

    • Getting access to the application and its feature only be possible in a way when an accurate password will be inserted.

  • Paying for the Amenities

    • You are directed to pay for your usage. You have to pay according to your package subscription, and you can only get your hands on those services of the application that you are paying for.

    • You can also upgrade your package at any time if you feel you are unable to use some of the services of the application.

    • We Bullky SMS do not let you pay extra expenses for the things that are not under your usage.

  • Notification of your Usage

    • Users will be notified of the services of the application and about the user's utilization of the services or features of the application.

    • But is mandatory that you always get an email or notification when you use any product or service but, in some cases, to notify you about the new features or services you will be notified.

  • Users Rights

    • Users have all their rights to the content they post or show via using our services or the application.

    • You permit us to use, duplicate, adjust, alter, show or convey the content you have submitted, shown, or posted via using our services or application.

    • You have complete access and rights to your SMS you share via using Bullky SMS and your content will always be yours.

    • We may store Content to appropriately course it among the Services (for instance, routing the content with the services from the Bullky SMS android phone or web application.)

    • Users are responsible for the use of the services. The content they share or post, they are responsible for the results too. If you see your content being reposted or rebroadcasted by anyone else, you have the right to warrant them under your rights and authority.

    • Bullky SMS gives you the sovereignty-free, non-assignable and nonrestrictive permit to utilize the product that is given to you by Bullky SMS as a feature of the Services.

    • This permit is for the sole motivation behind empowering you to utilize and appreciate the advantage of the Services as given by Bullky SMS, in the way allowed by these Terms and Conditions.

    • Bullky SMS may alter or adjust your Content to send, show or appropriate it over PC organizations and in different media and additionally make changes to your Content as are important to adjust that Content to any necessities or limits of any organizations, gadgets, administrations, or media.

  • Bullky SMS Rights

    • Bullky SMS and its licensors have complete access to the services or features of the application except the contents provided by the users which is the SMS or MMS users share via using our features of the application.

    • Safety of the features or the services of Bullky SMS is maintained and supported by copyrights of the company and legislations of various countries.

    • We will appreciate the response or feedback of the users they provide about our application, website, services or any of the features and the company will also try to meet your needs in the best possible way.

    • But no one has the right or access to use the name of the application or company or to utilize any of the services such as logos or features of the Bullky SMS, in that case, you will be responsible for your actions as we have mentioned above, our features or services are maintained by some rules and regulations accepted by the law.

    • Safety of the features or the services of Bullky SMS is maintained and supported by copyrights of the company and legislations of various countries.

    • The content of our services, features, different logos, symbol, or brand names is protected and maintained by the copyrights and legislations of various countries.

    • You have access and utilize our Services just for lawful, approved, and worthy purposes, if in any case our services or application are used for unlawful or unapproved purposes by you, following the law, we have the right to not give you the permit of using the Bullky SMS application or services.

    • In any case of inappropriateness, we have an access to restrict you from using the services until or unless you are proven blameless.